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Knime loop to write csv file in different folder?

I am running a knime chunk loop to write always the same procedure in different csv files: 在此处输入图像描述

The Part with the python script until the csv write is working, when I do it without loop, but somehow he is not writing in the customized folder path, if I have the loop inside.

The target is to write a new csv-file for every loop (the output is a list).

The nodes are: Chunk Loop: Rows per chunk: 51 Create file name:

  1. Options Selected directioy: C:/....
  2. Flow Variables: FileName: currentIteration

CSV Writer: Flow Variables: filename: CurrentIteration

How can I change the folder path of the file? He is always saving it in the default folder

Here is an example workflow (apologies for the weird blurry Windows 10 screenshots):

KNIME 工作流程图像

Create File Name config:


CSV Writer config:

CSV 编写器配置

You may need to run each node individually in order to create the flow variable before you can select it in the following node.

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