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Converting pandas dataframe to nested dictionary/json format

I am trying to convert the following pandas dataframe(python) into a nested dictionary format. Input data pandas dataframe :

statetraffic   |state    | act       | traffic| reward | header      | time |   id

  stateacttraf |     1   |    1      | 12      |  22     |   str1    |   1572340221000 | 34022100
  stateacttraf |     1   |    2      | 87      |  30     |   str1    |   1572340221000 | 34022100
  stateacttraf |     1   |    3      | 1       |  48     |   str1    |   1572340221000 | 34022100
  stateacttraf |     2   |    1      | 10      |  13     |   str1    |   1572340221000 | 34022100
  stateacttraf |     2   |    2      | 80      |  27     |   str1    |   1572340221000 | 34022100
  stateacttraf |     2   |    3      | 10      |  60     |   str1    |   1572340221000 | 34022100

Have tried the following code but did not work:

1)final_op = input_df.to_dict(orient='records') -> does not provide the answer       
2)from jsonmerge import merge; 
message = {'statetraffic': 'stateacttraf'}; 
message1 = {'time': time.time()}; 
result = merge(final_op, message, message2) -> Neither does this provide the answer either

Some form of nested dictionary is needed

Expecting dictionary/json output like this:


{  "statetraffic":"stateacttraf",
{  "statetraffic":"stateacttraf",

Desperately need the output in this format. So any help will be appreciated.

Try this,assume your dataframe as df

main_dict = df.to_dict()
uprow= ["statetraffic","time","header"]
drow = ["id","state" ,"act" ,"traffic","reward"]

datalist = []
for c in range(df.shape[0]):
    subd = {}
    for k,v in main_dict.items():
        subd[k] = v[c]

    subd_ = subd.copy()
    tmp = subd.get("header")

    subd[tmp] = 0
    for i in uprow: del subd_[i]
    for i in drow: del subd[i] 
    del subd["header"]


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