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Unable to access FileSystem of Azure Data Lake Gen2 with Angular using azure-sdk-for-js

I am developing an application with Angular 8 and trying to connect to Azure Data Lake Gen 2's FileSystem through its REST API in order to be able to retrieve the list of folders as well as do a file import.

For authentication I use the library msal-angular that allows me to retrieve an ID token via the loginPopup function and an access token via acquireTokenSilent function.

I am using this scheme as a guide: aad connection flow

The scope: ['user.read','api://<uuid>/user_impersonation'] . api scopes

Then I use the storage-datalake library to try to retrieve information from my Data Lake. So I use the access token of my user logged to create a DataLakeStorageClient with TokenCredentials . Then I try to recover the list of folders on one of my FileSystems.

I'm getting this error: 401 (Server failed to authenticate the request. Please refer to the information in the www-authenticate header.) .

Do you have any idea where my problem might come from?

My user has the following roles:

  • Contributor
  • Storage Blob Data Contributor

API permissions: api permissions

When I'm using END-USER authentication without user impersonation (as a service principal) I can access my filesystem...

Thank you in advance for your help.

The scope is not correct. You can not use two kinds of resource in the scope. user.read is for https://graph.microsoft.com resource. api://<uuid>/user_impersonation is for your own resource.

You can try with ['https://datalake.azure.net/.default'] as the scope.

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