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Correctly escaping ° character from C# to javascript

I've found that special characters in an existing ASP.NET MVC application are not working correcly.

I need to escape from C# (those data arrives from DB)

The following string Quadri 3° e 4° livello

What I'm doing in the cshtml is

success: function (data) {


                    var wnd;
                    var selector = $('#divImport_@id');

                    if (!selector.data("kendoWindow")) {
                        wnd = selector.kendoWindow({
                            title: "Import da file",
                            modal: true,
                            visible: false,
                            resizable: false,
                            width: 700,
                            deactivate: function () {
                    else wnd = selector.data("kendoWindow");

                    wnd.title('Import da file - ' + decodeURIComponent('@HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode(Model.NomeCategoria)'));

What I got is the following output


How do I escape it correctly?


Try with:


as shown also here: Javascript, Razor and Escape characters. Like apostrophe

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