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Is there an equivalent `mvn dependency:build-classpath` for gradle projects?

I'm looking for a command or a task that would achieve the equivalent output to maven mvn dependency:build-classpath for Gradle projects.

Here is some example output that maven produces:


I don't believe there's a built-in task which does the same thing, though I'm not positive. However, you could always create your own task which prints out the classpath as a path. Here's an example using the Kotlin DSL:

tasks.register("buildClasspath") {
    val main by sourceSets
    doFirst {

Note: To print the runtime classpath use main.runtimeClasspath .

You can then execute:

./gradlew buildClasspath

You can use the following command to see all the dependencies.

gradle -q dependencies

You can refer below the link. https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/inspecting_dependencies.html#sec:listing_dependencies

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