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Local Jar dependency in gradle: how to import into code

I'm building a gradle project with a testone.jar dependency

testone.jar is a working.jar with a class Brew that prints stuff.

I want to call testone.Brew from Main.java.

" import testone.Brew; " gives me a compile error

">gradle build" works, ">gradle dependencies" show:

implementation - Implementation only dependencies for source set 'main'. (n)
\--- unspecified (n)

Folder Structure:












apply plugin: 'java'

repositories {
    flatDir {
        dirs 'libs';

dependencies {
    implementation files("libs/testone.jar")

sourceSets {
    main.java.srcDir 'src/main'
    test.java.srcDir 'src/test'

jar {
    manifest.attributes 'Main-Class': 'net.alexhublon.gradletest.Main'

Here is the code for Main.java:

package net.alexhublon.gradletest;

import java.util.Arrays;
//import libs/testone.jar???
public class Main
    public static void main (String[] args)
                //testone.Brew brew = new Brew()???

I would like to import and use the functions from testone.jar

Edit: If you compile the.jar file with the class, it works. I believe the problem is with Gradle

Simply import it as you did with Arrays :

package net.alexhublon.gradletest;

import java.util.Arrays;
import testone.Brew;

public class Main
    public static void main (String[] args)
        Brew brew = new Brew()


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