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Change ZSH Command Prompt

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I just recently changed to ZSH from bash and I see this weird command prompt. I'd like to just have a simpler, shorter command prompt without all of this jargon. Please assist...

in macos, find your.zshrc file, open it in a text editor, locate the comment "#Default prompt", modify the line that looks like this:-- "PS1=%n@%m~%&# " (%n is your username; %m is the computer name), save the file (you will be prompted to enter your password to save it), load a new terminal to check out the changes.

I'm using Alacritty and Oh-My-Zsh, I named my terminal in alacritty.yml as below:
title: Terminal Ihsan Praditya
but nothing change, then I found a line in.zshrc, it's:
# Uncomment the following line to disable auto-setting terminal title.
then I uncomment the line, restart the terminal, it's shown as below
.zshrc after Oh-My-Zsh on Alacritty

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