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How can I export data from a csv file or excel file to a javascript object?

I would like to know if there is a way to export data from a CSV file to a javascript object and when someone edits the CSV file it automatically changes in the javascript file. Thank you so much.

The following steps are implemented in the below code snippet.Customize this as required.

  1. Select input CSV file. (The code snippet is tested for UTF-8 encoded CSV file)
  2. Read the CSV file data
  3. Parse the CSV file data and contruct the JSON object
  4. Manipulate or modify the JSON object if required.
  5. Export the JSON object as CSV

 var CsvRows; var headers; // This event will be triggered when file is selected // Note: This code is tested for UTF-8 encoded CSV file function handleChange(evt) { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function() { //reader.result gives the file content document.getElementById('out').innerHTML = reader.result; //parse the result into javascript object var lines = reader.result.split('\r\n'); headers = lines[0].split(','); lines.shift(); CsvRows = lines.map((item) => { var values = item.split(','); var row = {}; headers.map((h, i) => { row[h] = values[i]; }); return row; }); console.log(CsvRows); document.getElementById('result').style.display = 'block' }; //read the selected file reader.readAsBinaryString(evt.files[0]); }; //export the javscript object as csv function exportCSV() { //contruct the csv ad data url let csvContent = "data:text/csv;charset=utf-8," + headers.join(",") + "\r\n"; //contruct the data in csv format var data = CsvRows.map(e => { var line = ''; headers.map((h) => { line += e[h] + ','; }); return line.substr(0, line.length - 1); }).join("\r\n") csvContent += data; //contruct an anchor tag var encodedUri = encodeURI(csvContent); var link = document.createElement("a"); link.setAttribute("href", encodedUri); //provide the export file name link.setAttribute("download", "mydata.csv"); document.body.appendChild(link); // Required for FF //trigger download of CSV link.click(); link.remove(); }
 <input type="file" onchange="handleChange(this)" accept=".csv" /> <div id="result" style="display:none;"> <div id="out"></div> <div>See console for Javascript Object.</div> <div>Export the imported file <button onclick="exportCSV()">Export</button></div> </div>

The above code snippet only works for CSV files. Custom implementation has to be made for Excel files.

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