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Style and js doesn't work after changing project entry point to public folder

The project was working fine till i moved index.php from project root to public folder then moved css and js from public to assets folder here is how my project looks like now

  • public
    • index.php
  • assets
    • css
      • style.css
    • js
      • main.js -.htaccess

i loaded the server with php -S localhost:8000

i get

Not Found

The requested resource / was not found on this server.

ignoring my .htaccess completely ! i even tried solutions like AllowOverride All but still doesn't work so i typed php -S localhost:8000 -t public now site loads but css/js doesn't work at all even inline style ! when i open console i get

The script from “http://localhost:8000/assets/js/main.js” was loaded even though its MIME type (“text/html”) is not a valid JavaScript MIME type

Loading failed for the <script> with source “http://localhost:8000/assets/js/main.js”

any ideas??

.htaccess is a configuration file for use on web servers running the Apache Web Server software. It means that when you start project with php -S localhost:8000 it simply ignores the routes written there.

What you can do:

  1. Install Apache into your machine and configure your local server (will require some effort but you'll have the same setup as on the live environment)
  2. Run php -S localhost:8000 inside public folder or using -t option to set the document root (will work for simple relative paths but not when you want to use Apache specific features like ModRewrite )

Good luck with your web development journey!

In index.php file do the below changes

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../assets/css/style.css">

<script src="../assets/js/main.js"></script>

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