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A fillable table in Google Forms that records data in a specific Google Sheet

I'm trying to create a table with editable cells in a google form that lets people enter their recorded measurements. Then compile that information into a Google Sheet by specified columns.

I have tried the Awesome table but I cannot seem to get the script to work.

Broken Down, I need the Script to be able to:

  • import a table into google forms
  • edit the number of columns and rows
  • allow multiple people to record their measurements individually
  • Compile the recorded data into a sheet by column.

This may be a simple question that I am overthinking. But I am trying to avoid multiple questions on the same form, and think a table would be way easier.

As talked in the comments, since there is no table item in FormApp , this solution consists in sending a Sheet with a predefined table for users to fill. They will press a button and send the data to a master sheet.


function sendData() {           

  //Gets the sheet is being edited
  var sprsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var sheet = sprsheet.getActiveSheet();

  //Gets the data introduced by the user
  var range = sheet.getRange("A2:L2");
  var values = range.getValues();

  //Gets the target sheet
  var mainsprsheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById("main sheet id");
  var targetSheet = mainsprsheet.getActiveSheet();

  //Adds a new row to the target sheet with the collected data

  //Clear the cells (optional)


To create the "submit" button to run the function above:

  1. Go to Insert > Drawing
  2. Design your own button
  3. Save and close
  4. Click on the button and then on the 3 dots at the right-top.
  5. Click on "Assign script" and write sendData

You can place the button anywhere and resize it.


  • You might want to send copies of this sheet to the different users to avoid sharing of sensitive data.


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