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Getting error code 503 with Rest Assured GET method

I am getting an error code 503 with rest assured GET Method. Here is the code.

RequestSpecification request = RestAssured.given();
Response post = request.log().all().relaxedHTTPSValidation().get(url);

It is giving me 503 error. The same API works fine in Postman. Please suggest.

Your code need to be corrected as below.

 * We can parameterize it using baseURI and basePath and send a request to get a customer using ID      
        RestAssured.baseURI = "http://parabank.parasoft.com/";
        RestAssured.basePath = "parabank/services/bank/customers";  

        //For the request You can define the setup values which can be  reuse  .
        RequestSpecBuilder reqbuild=new RequestSpecBuilder();
        //Adding values like path parameters
        reqbuild.addPathParam("customers", "12212");
        //Add content type
        reqbuild.setContentType(ContentType.JSON);// or reqbuild.setContentType("application/json; charset=UTF-8" );
        //After that build it


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