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No Permissions for Jenkins user inside docker container

I am trying to install maven into the docker linux container through a bash shell. I am using jenkinsci/blueocean image. I ran the following command to get the shell to run the commands to install maven: 詹金斯我们的任务

I am logged in as user jenkins but I do not have the permissions to run any commands. I tried running apt-get and sudo but it says "Permission Denied". I tried updating /etc/group/ but I got the same error. Here is the following commands I tried to make it work.


My main goal is to install maven and java so that I will be able to configure my jenkins. Thanks in advance.

First, you need to run the command as a root user.

docker exec --user root -it fad4ff7f84b4 ash

Second, jenkinsci/blueocean image is base on alpine, there is no apt , the package manager for alpine is apk

so you can try

apk add --no-cache your_pacakge
apk add --no-cache maven

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