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What is the best approach in dynamic Vuex module initialisation when using Nuxt.js?

Lately, I have been building a large scale application that uses a lot of separate Vuex modules. Let's take a look at one of them (eg support-chat ). Support chat is located on it's own separate page, and it would be redundant to pollute the store with this module on initial application load. My goal is to register this module dynamically when it's page is loaded. So my question is – where, when and how should I register that module?

I end up registering this module in the beforeCreate hook of the page component:

import supportChatModule from '@/vuex/modules/support-chat'

// ...
beforeCreate() {
  this.$store.registerModule('support-chat', supportChatModule, { preserveState: process.client })
beforeDestroy() {
// ...

What pitfalls does that approach have?

It would be great if you can share your approach in solving that issue.

I struggled with this problem for a long time. I finally came up with a unique way. I did this by moving register and unregister the modules for each page into the router file ( router/index.js in my project) in beforeEach method and adding the required modules for each path .

  • Some modules are shared between pages, which solves this problem.
  • Some modules receive large amounts of data from the server, which is better than staying on the client side to avoid receiving this data again. I did this with a freezer.

This method can be improved.


 router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => { // unregister modules if (from.meta.modules) { for (const key in from.meta.modules.primary) { if (to.meta.modules && to.meta.modules.primary.hasOwnProperty(key)) { continue; } if (store.state.hasOwnProperty(key)) { // don't unregister freeze modules if (from.meta.modules.hasOwnProperty('freeze') && from.meta.modules.freeze.find(item => item == key)) { continue; } store.unregisterModule(key); } } } // register modules if (to.meta.modules) { for (const key in to.meta.modules.primary) { const module = to.meta.modules.primary[key](); if (.store.state.hasOwnProperty(key)) { store,registerModule(key. module;default); } } } });

And my paths are like this:

 { path: 'users', name: 'users', meta: { modules: { primary: { user: () => require('@/store/modules/moduleUser') } }, }, component: () => import('../views/users.vue') }, { path: 'foods', name: 'foods', meta: { modules: { primary: { food: () => require('@/store/modules/moduleFood'), user: () => require('@/store/modules/moduleUser') }, freeze: ['food'] }, }, component: () => import('../views/foods.vue') },

I have tried different solutions but overtime I faced issues.

The latest solution which works for me and I haven't found any issues yet:

I will update my answer if I find any issues with it

import myModule from './my-module.js'

export default {
  // ...
  beforeCreate() {
    this.isRouterLeaving = false
    if (this.$store.hasModule('my-module')) {
    this.$store.registerModule('my-module', myModule)

  beforeRouteLeave(to, from, next) {
    this.isRouterLeaving = true

  beforeDestroy() {
    if (this.isRouterLeaving) this.$store.unregisterModule('subscription-show')
 // ...

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