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How to implement Java interface that extends Comparable with no specific type in Scala?

I am using a Java library in my Scala project which has an interface that looks like this:

public interface A extends Comparable {
    String getSomething();

Note how the library implementation does not specify any specific type for Java's Comparable<T> interface.

In my Scala code I want to create an instance of A like so:

object AFactory {
  def getA: A = new A {
    override def getSomething: String = "test"
    override def compareTo(o: ???): Int = -1

Unfortunately, I am not sure what type to specify for ??? . Does anyone know how can I implement this interface and get it to compile?

There is no direct way to do it. One way to make you code run against pre-java5 code, is to have Java bridge methods:

public abstract class B implements A {
    public int compareTo(Object o) {
        return 0;

object AFactory {
  def getA: A = new B {
    override def getSomething: String = "test"

If you not want to have the compareTo implemented in Java. You could may be introduce a bridge method and implement the bridge method in scala:

public abstract class B implements A {
    public int compareTo(Object o) {
        return compareToBridge(o);

    protected abstract int compareToBridge(Object o);

object AFactory {
  def getA: A = new B {
    override def getSomething: String = "test"

    override def compareToBridge(o: Any): Int = ???

Without using bridge methods, I dont think there is a nicer way of solving this problem.

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