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C# DocuSign API: Redirect user to recipient view for existing envelope

I have the following implemented where I can create an envelope from a template id and redirect a user to the envelope to complete and sign it. I am trying to figure out how to redirect a user to the same already started but not yet completed envelope. How can I achieve this?

Here is the creation of the EnvelopeDefinition :

    private EnvelopeDefinition CreateEvelope(ApplicationUser user, UserFormRequestViewModel vm)
        string recipientName = vm.FirstName.Trim() + " " + vm.LastName.Trim();
        string recipientEmail = user.Email;

        // template we want signed
        string templateId = "e29f3966-2c3e-4c47-a997-278e937dc85c";

        var envDef = new EnvelopeDefinition();
        envDef.TemplateId = templateId;
        envDef.EmailSubject = "Sample Form";

        TemplateRole trole1 = new TemplateRole();
        trole1.Email = recipientEmail;
        trole1.Name = recipientName;
        trole1.RoleName = "Taxpayer";
        trole1.ClientUserId = user.Id;
        trole1.Tabs = new Tabs
            TextTabs = new List<Text> {
                //prefill some fields
                new Text { TabLabel = "SpouseName", Value = vm.SpouseName.ToString() }

        List<TemplateRole> roleList = new List<TemplateRole>() { trole1 };

        envDef.TemplateRoles = roleList;
        envDef.Status = "sent";

        return envDef;

and the sending of the envelope:

    internal string Send(ApplicationUser user, UserFormRequestViewModel vm)

            EnvelopeDefinition envelope = this.CreateEvelope(user, vm);
            EnvelopesApi envelopeApi = new EnvelopesApi(ApiClient.Configuration);
            EnvelopeSummary results = envelopeApi.CreateEnvelope(AccountID, envelope);

            string envelopeId = results.EnvelopeId;

            var envelopeDetails = envelopeApi.GetEnvelope(AccountID, envelopeId);

            RecipientViewRequest viewOptions = new RecipientViewRequest
                ReturnUrl = "https://demo.taxdox.com/Home/UserFormRequest",
                ClientUserId = user.Id,
                AuthenticationMethod = "none",
                UserName = vm.FirstName.Trim() + " " + vm.LastName.Trim(),
                Email = user.Email

            ViewUrl viewUrl = envelopeApi.CreateRecipientView(AccountID, envelopeId, viewOptions);

            //calling method redirects user to this url
            return viewUrl.Url;
        catch(Exception ex)

the EnvelopeSummary I receive from the CreateEnvelope method contains an EnvelopeId that I am guessing I can use to redirect a user back to the same envelope if they quit out before completing however I have not found a way to do this yet.

All you need to know is the envelopeId that you wish to use for this.

this code:

ViewUrl viewUrl = envelopeApi.CreateRecipientView(AccountID, envelopeId, viewOptions);
        //calling method redirects user to this url
        return viewUrl.Url;

Would let you view any envelope that you specify in the envelopeId parameter.

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