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Tags dissapear when parsing XML file in java?

I am tasked with parsing an XML file. The XML file is of the following format:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Deployment name="PreUpgrade" description="First Test Target">
        <!-- AnalyticsURL Needs to point to the analytics page -->
        <!-- XmlpURL Needs to point to the BI Publisher page -->
        <!-- ex: <AnalyticsURL>http://servername:9704/analytics</AnalyticsURL> -->
        <!-- ex: <XmlpURL>https://servername/xmlpserver</XmlpURL> -->
        <!-- ex: <VaURL>https://servername/va</VaURL> -->
        <!-- If you are using a test certificate on the server for SSL and want to
             to bypass SSL certificate validation, set the IgnoreSSLCertErrors to true.
             This setting is strictly for Test environments only -->
<Deployment name="PostUpgrade" description="Second Test Target">
        <!-- AnalyticsURL Needs to point to the analytics page -->
        <!-- XmlpURL Needs to point to the BI Publisher page -->
        <!-- ex: <AnalyticsURL>http://servername:9704/analytics</AnalyticsURL> -->
        <!-- ex: <XmlpURL>https://servername/xmlpserver</XmlpURL> -->
        <!-- ex: <VaURL>https://servername/va</VaURL> -->
        <!-- If you are using a test certificate on the server for SSL and want to
             to bypass SSL certificate validation, set the IgnoreSSLCertErrors to true.
             This setting is strictly for Test environments only -->

I am trying to change the value of the "name" attributes within the Deployment tags. I am doing this with the following code:

DocumentBuilderFactory documentBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); 
DocumentBuilder documentBuilder = documentBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); 
Document doc = documentBuilder.parse("config.xml")

Node firstDeployment = doc.getElementsByTagName("Deployment").item(0); 
Node firstDeploymentName = firstDeployment.getAttributes().getNamedItem("name"); 

Node secondDeployment = doc.getElementsByTagName("Deployment").item(1); 
Node secondDeploymentName = secondDeployment.getAttributes().getNamedItem("name"); 

TransformerFactory transformerFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); 
Transformer transformer = transformerFactory.newTransformer(); 
DOMSource source = new DOMSource(doc); 
StreamResult result = new StreamResult(new File("config.xml")); 
transformer.transform(source, result);

The config.xml file is within the directory that I am invoking my Java application from. The issue I am facing is that after I run my program, the XMl file looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?><TestConfiguration>
    <Deployment description="First Test Target" name="FIRST_DEPLOYMENT">
            <!-- AnalyticsURL Needs to point to the analytics page -->
            <!-- XmlpURL Needs to point to the BI Publisher page -->
            <!-- ex: <AnalyticsURL>http://servername:9704/analytics</AnalyticsURL> -->
            <!-- ex: <XmlpURL>https://servername/xmlpserver</XmlpURL> -->
            <!-- ex: <VaURL>https://servername/va</VaURL> -->
            <!-- If you are using a test certificate on the server for SSL and want to
                 to bypass SSL certificate validation, set the IgnoreSSLCertErrors to true.
                 This setting is strictly for Test environments only -->
    <Deployment description="Second Test Target" name="SECOND_DEPLOYMENT">
            <!-- AnalyticsURL Needs to point to the analytics page -->
            <!-- XmlpURL Needs to point to the BI Publisher page -->
            <!-- ex: <AnalyticsURL>http://servername:9704/analytics</AnalyticsURL> -->
            <!-- ex: <XmlpURL>https://servername/xmlpserver</XmlpURL> -->
            <!-- ex: <VaURL>https://servername/va</VaURL> -->
            <!-- If you are using a test certificate on the server for SSL and want to
                 to bypass SSL certificate validation, set the IgnoreSSLCertErrors to true.
                 This setting is strictly for Test environments only -->

It seems as if the opening tags for AnalyticsURL, XmlpURL, VaURL, UserName, and Password are removed from the file when they should not be? Am I doing something wrong with my code? I have tried to figure out where i've gone wrong but cant seem to come up with a solution.


transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.METHOD, "html");

( Java XML dom: prevent collapsing empty element )

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