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How do I check the horizontal or vertical image status in React-Native?

I want to use the 'contain' feature when the vertical image comes and the 'stretch' feature when the horizontal image comes in the react-native. How do I check the horizontal or vertical status? For example:

<Image resizeMode={status==horizantal?'contain':'stretch'} />

I would handle this in a conditional rendering function and would figure out the size using the static getSize method from the Image class like this:

buildImage = (imageUri) => {
   let imageArray = [];
   Image.getSize(imageUri, (width, height) => {
      if (width > height) {
         //image is horizontal
            <Image resizeMode={'contain'}/>
         return imageArray;
      } else {
         //image is vertical
            <Image resizeMode={'stretch'}/>
         return imageArray;

render() {

getSize Docs for reference.

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