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how can I pass multiple image with require in react-native

I want to upload multipale image in react native with map. and when I want to pass urls of local images to map,and when I call it I got this error

Invalid call at line 62: require(url)

here is my code

export default class App extends React.Component {

   state = {
    a: ["./assest/image1.jpg" , "./assest/image2.jpg","./assest/image3.jpg"],

render() {
    return (
       <ScrollView style={styles.body}>
          this.state.a.map((url,key) => 
             <View style ={ styles.body}>

I'm beginner in react native,how can I fix this issue. Is that anyway to call multiple images with require or no I should test another method or functions.

You can't use require with a param. Insted use it in your array:

state = {
    a: [

// In your map on image source

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