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How to declare a function callback that accepts multiple parameters in Dart/Flutter?

final ValueSetter<int> setVal; 

can be assigned a function callback that accepts one parameter like

     //assign i to some variable

What if I wanted the callback to accept 2 parameters like

         //assign i and j to some variable


ValueSetter is typedef'ed as:

typedef ValueSetter<T> = void Function(T value);

As in, a function that takes one parameter. So, no, you can't hand it a function that takes two parameters.

final Function(int, String) = (int a, String b){
  /* do stuff */

Variables of type Function can be declared as follows:

void main() {
  void Function(int) setVal1;
  void Function(int, int) setVal2;

  setVal1 = (int i) => print('$i');
  setVal2 = (int i, int j) => print('$i, $j');
  final String Function(int, int, [double]) setVal3 =
      (int i, int j, [double k]) => '$i, $j, $k';

  final i = 0;
  final j = 1;
  final double k = 2.0;
  setVal2(i, j);
  print(setVal3(i, j));
  print(setVal3(i, j, k));

Just put whatevery you want in a map and pass the map. Something like this:

  Map<String, dynamic> updateMap = {
    'id': id,
    'value': value


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