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unable to locate iframe with xpath and id in python selenium

I have been trying to click an accept button in an iframe , but I am unable to locate this iframe with xpath . I have checked similar SO posts but to no avail.

Selenium can't locate iframe , python selenium cant find iframe xpath

This is the HTML of the page.

I have tried following so far.

wait.until(EC.frame_to_be_available_and_switch_to_it((By.ID,"pop-frame028142186741537767"))) gives TimeoutException .

Also tried:

time.sleep(10) driver.switch_to.frame(driver.find_element_by_xpath("//div[@class='truste_box_overlay']/div[@class='truste_box_overlay_inner']/iframe[@id='pop-frame028142186741537767']"))


NoSuchElementException: Unable to locate element: //div[@class='truste_box_overlay']/div[@class='truste_box_overlay_inner']/iframe[@id='pop-frame028142186741537767']

Finding the the iframe driver.find_elements_by_id('pop-frame028142186741537767') gives an empty list. However, I am able to locate two parent div elements with xpath and class attributes.

EDIT : driver.find_elements_by_class_name('truste_box_overlay') gives outermost div element. But, accessing same element with id driver.find_elements_by_id('pop-div20738421000570183') gives empty list.

So, I suppose find_elements_by_id not working?? How can I go about to solve this problem. I am not able to progress as without clicking this button I can't interact to the main content.

Switch back to the default content (out of the ):


driver.switch_to.frame("iframe name")


Hope this will fix your issue.

You are searching by an ID which is auto-generated and will not work the next time the page is reloaded. Instead try XPath using partial search //iframe[contains(@id, 'pop-frame')]

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