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How to get state of scoped component instance in Spring Boot

I'm looking for a way to take advantage of Spring's Scopes(Prototype or Request) while being able to get the state of these scoped components.

Given the following example

public class FooController {
    private FooService fooService;

    public FooController(FooService fooService) {
        this.fooService = fooService;

    public String foo() {
        return "OK";

    public int fooStatus() {
        return fooService.getState();

public class FooService
    public int getState() {
        return state;

    public void setState(int state) {
        this.state = state;

    private int state;

    public FooService() { }

    public void foo() {
       //do long work
       //do long work


There is a Controller and a Service, prototyped scoped. How can I get the state of FooService .

The code above isn't working. Maybe something with scopes? status is always zero.

The scenario is to hit /foo/status endpoint and get the status value.

Yes, the answer 0 is expected. Because the spring prototype scope says that you'll get a new instance of the bean, everytime it's requested.


If you use request or prototype scope, it means that with every request new service bean is created with default State variable initialised to 0.

When you first call /foo a new bean of service is created and the State is increased to 2. Next when you call /foo/status new bean with default State 0 is created and returned. Which essentially means that state can't be shared between two requests with these bean scopes. Remove the @scope on the service and controller it should start working fine.

You are creating a business logic component which is recreated on each HTTP request and keeps no track of status.

I guess you have 2 options:

  • remove the scope annotation that recreates your component on each request and change your actual logic / architecture (which is as you say not what you want),
  • define the status variable as static (not recommended). When 2 services run simultaneously your foo method you have to make your incrementation of status thread-save.

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