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Anylogic - Delay block for parking

Does anyone has any idea on how can I get the value of a function that indicates if there are any empty parking spot on the block or not. I am using a Queue, and I tried the function nFree() and spaceIndex() , but I get that the two functions are not defined for the type

Hope i understood you question, below is the code that may return all the parking empty spot.

public class Parking {

    static int parkingSize = 10;

    static Object[] object = new Object[parkingSize];

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        add("java", 10);





    // add the object in specicif location
    public static void add(String info, int position) {

        // if the position does not exist an erro will be thow
        if (position > object.length ) {
            throw new RuntimeException("The possition indicated does not exist in the park");

        if (object[position - 1] != null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("The possition is ocupied");

        object[position - 1] = info;


    // to remove an object from the park and free the space
    public static void emptyParkingSpot(int position) {

        if (position > object.length ) {
            throw new RuntimeException("The possition indicated does not exist in the park");

        if (object[position - 1] == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("The possition isalready empty");
        object[position - 1] = null;

    // lists the empty spot 
    public static String checkEmptyParkingSpot() {

        String emptySpace = "".trim();

        for (int i = 0; i < object.length; i++) {

            // list the empty space
            if (object[i] == null) {
                emptySpace = emptySpace + (i + 1) + "\n";


        // if there is no space the message will be park full
        if (emptySpace.isEmpty()) {
            emptySpace = "Park is Full";

        return emptySpace;


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