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How to change background color of unselected JavaFX ListCell

So I use a JFX ListView to display all the connected friends. I've changed the background colors of the cells. But on border color i cant find. You can easily see it, if you control+click an already selected row, it deselects it and then you can see the two blue border colors. How do I change this so it fits with the rest of the background???

This is the css that changes the colors.

.list-cell {
    -fx-border-width: 2 0 2 0;
.list-cell:even:hover {
    -fx-border-color:linear-gradient(to left, #DF1721, #cd005f) ;
.list-cell:odd:hover {
    -fx-border-color:linear-gradient(to left, #DF1721, #cd005f) ;
.list-cell:even:pressed {
    -fx-fill: linear-gradient(to left, #9c1017, #8f0042);
.list-cell:odd:pressed {
    -fx-fill: linear-gradient(to left, #9c1017, #8f0042);
.list-cell:hover:empty {

.list-cell:hover:selected {
.list-cell:selected {
    -fx-background-color: #4b5960;

So here you can see an unselected ListView

Its the -fx-background-insets that causing the blue lines when focused. Include the below code to fix it.

.list-cell:focused {

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