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How to parse JSON object into a list of objects in C#

our organization recently changed its database from sqlserver to elasticsearch and I am about creating an application for that, I could successfully create an index and populated that with some information but when I retrieve the information, it returns me the data I really want plus lots of metadata which I don't really need in this context, now my question is how to extract the exact data I need and how to store it in a list, it is the response from the当我按下搜索索引时,响应将是这样的,它是一个 JSON 对象 server when I press the search index button

but I am interested in information that comes exactly after the second "hits" especially I want to extract "_id", "Firstname", "Lastname" and store it in a generic list of the type person which has the corresponding fields. and it is the code in the code-behind file编写在代码隐藏文件中的代码

Copy an example JSON response to your clipboard and generate some Json classes either by:

a. In Visual Studio select Edit / Paste Special / Paste JSON As Classes

b. If your data is not sensitive / you can clean it, use an online site such as http://json2csharp.com

Then deserialize from the Root object.

using var stream = new MemoryStream(data);
using var reader = new StreamReader(stream, Encoding.UTF8);
using var jsonReader = new JsonTextReader(reader);

var json = JsonSerializer.Create().Deserialize<Rootobject>(jsonReader);

Then take the bit you need.

var response = json.hits.hits;

You can further optimise the process by scrubbing all properties on the outer objects that you don't want to deserialize into.

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