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How to write Junit test cases for spring boot application?

I have to write some junit test cases to check entity. I'm using postgres as my database.

My entity class

@Table(name = "display")
public class Display {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private Long id;
private String title;
private String group;

public Display() {

public Display(Long id, String title, String grp) {
    this.id = id;
    this.title= title;  
    this.group= grp;

public void setId(Long id) {
    this.id = id;

public Long getId() {
    return this.id;

public void setGroup(String id) {
    this.group = id;

public String getGroup() {
    return this.group;

public void settitle(String title) {
    this.title = title;

public String gettitle() {
    return this.title;


My repository

public interface DisplayRepository extends CrudRepository<Display, Long> {



public interface IDisplayService {
    List<Display> findAll();

Service class

public class DisplayService implements IDisplayService {
    private DisplayRepository repository;

public List<Display> findAll() {
    List<Display> d = (List<Display>) repository.findAll();
    return d;

I tried writing junit test cases but I get Could'nt load Application. Whats the right way to write junit test cases for this?

This is the test case I wrote for service

folder: test/java/example/demo/Test.java


public class DisplayServiceTest {

private String value;

private DisplayRepository DisplayReps;

private DisplayService DisplayService;

public void whenFindAll_thenReturnProductList() {

Menu m = new Menu()

    List<Display> expectedDisplay = Arrays.asList(m);
    List<Display> actualDisplay = DisplayService.findAll();

in test/java/example/demo/resources conn.properties id=2

Its returning 0 for value Whats the issue? Thanks

I have managed to make your code to work. I will post only the changed classes:

The interface:

public interface DisplayRepository extends CrudRepository<Display, Long> {

   Optional<Display> findByTitle(String name);

The test class:

@AutoConfigureTestDatabase(replace= AutoConfigureTestDatabase.Replace.NONE)
public class DisplayRepositoryTest {

private TestEntityManager testEntityManager;

private DisplayRepository productRespository;

public void setUp(){

    Display m = new Display();
    // m.setId(2L); // The ID is autogenerated; can retrieve it from the persistAndFlush result


public void whenFindByName_thenReturnProduct() {
    // when
    Display product = productRespository.findByTitle("Product2").orElseThrow(() -> new RuntimeException("Product not found"));

    // then

public void whenFindAll_thenReturnProductList() {
    // when
    List<Display> products = (List<Display>) productRespository.findAll();

    // then

When trying to run the code you provided, there were a few issues:

  • you were using the reserved word group as a field in the Display class. Because of this, Hibernate couldn't create the table, so I renamed it to category.
  • there was a compilation issue because the method findByName wasn't defined in the repository; also, there was no field name in the Display class to which the mapping to be made; because of this, I've added the method findByTitle because it's an existing field and it seemed to match the value you queried in the test method.
  • because the ID field is autogenerated, the test setup() failed when persisting the Display.

If you want to use @Mock for mocking classes, you must call:

public void setUp() {

You can then mock responses as usual: Mockito.when(DisplayReps.findByTitle("A")).thenReturn(Optional.of(new Display(2L, "ALFA", "GRP1")));

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