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Posting data without a form in ASP.NET Core

I'd like to have a button do a simple POST in order to kick-off some work in the controller on the backend:

<button type="button" asp-action="DoIt">Do it<button>
public async Task<IActionResult> DoIt()

Can I do this in ASP.NET Core without using a form?

I know I can do something like this:

<button onClick="$.post('/MyController/DoIt');" type="button">DoIt</button>

But it would be cool if something similar to following would be possible:

<button asp-controller="DoIt" asp-method="POST" type="button">DoIt</button>

Ideally, ValidateAntiForgeryToken would be supported too...

You want to make an ajax call from javascript.

Fetch API example.

fetch("URL", {
    method: "POST",          // HTTP Method
    body: JSON.stringify({}) // Data to send

JQuery Ajax

    url: "",                 // URL to post to
    method: "POST",          // HTTP Method
    data: JSON.stringify({}) // Data to send
    @Html.Hidden("cancelOrder", Url.Action("MethodName", "ControllerName")) 

    AJAX Call
            url: $("#cancelOrder").val(),
            type: "POST",
            data: { ID: Id},
            success: function (_result) {

    public JsonResult MethodName()
    bool _status = true;
                    return Json(_status, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

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