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Call a function in main form from a User Control inside a flowpanellayout C# windowsforms

can anyone answer my question in the title?

It goes like this

//Main Form

public partial class Main : Form

    public Main()

    public void Load_Main_Function()
        MessageBox.Show("I'm called from the User Control inside flowpanellayout");

//FlowPanel Form

public partial class FlowPanel : UserControl

    public FlowPanel()

    public void Load_Sample_Forms()
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            Item_User_Control Item = new Item_User_Control();

            Item.Name.Text = "Test Item " + i;
            Item.Price.Text = i;
            Item.button.Name = i; 



//Item_User_Control (Main form function called from here)

public partial class Item_User_Control : UserControl
    public Item_User_Control()

    private void button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //Here comes my problem..
        //The method I tried
        Main mainForm = new Main();
        //I was thinking that this Item_User_Control was cast inside the loop of Flowpanel Form   
        //that there must be a conflict somehow or this form can't be seen during the inialization
        //of Main Form and that's why the function in Main Form can't be called from             
        //Item_User_Control button event


I'm making an POS using C# Windows Forms and I'm stuck in this problem:) The layout works it shows 5 Item_User_Control inside flowpanellayout, it's just when clicking the button, nothing happens

need help guys, thanks!!!

Basic information about the event system can be found here

In your code you could do it something like:

//Main Form

public partial class Main : Form

    public Main()

        FlowPanel.FlowItemClicked += FlowPanel_FlowItemClicked;

    private void FlowPanel_FlowItemClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
        MessageBox.Show("I'm called because A flow item in the flow panel was clicked."); 

//FlowPanel Form

public partial class FlowPanel : UserControl
    public event EventHandler FlowItemClicked; // Event to notify any item getting clicked.

    public FlowPanel()

    public void Load_Sample_Forms()
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            Item_User_Control Item = new Item_User_Control();

            Item.Name.Text = "Test Item " + i;
            Item.Price.Text = i;
            Item.button.Name = i; 

            // Handle FlowItemClicked event from this item.
            item.ItemClicked += (o,e) => { FlowItemClicked?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty;) };


//Item_User_Control (Main form function called from here)

public partial class Item_User_Control : UserControl

    public event EventHandler ItemClicked; // Event to notify the item getting clicked.

    public Item_User_Control()

    private void button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // When the button gets clicked, raise the ItemClicked event.
        ItemClicked?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);

You can try to make an instance of your Main Form "Globally Accessible":

// On Main Form

public partial class Main : Form
    public static Main Instance { get; private set; }

    public Main()
        Instance = this; // Initiate an instance of your form

    public void Load_Main_Function()
        MessageBox.Show("I'm called from the User Control inside flowpanellayout");

// On FlowPanel - your custom control. Remember to call your Load_Sample_Forms() method.

public partial class FlowPanel : UserControl
    public FlowPanel()

    public void Load_Sample_Forms()
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            Item_User_Control Item = new Item_User_Control();

            Item.Name = "Test Item " + i;
            Item.Price.Text = i.ToString();
            Item.button.Name = i.ToString();


// On Item_User_Control

public partial class Item_User_Control : UserControl
    public Item_User_Control()

    private void button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Main.Instance.Load_Main_Function(); // Execute any main function regardless of signature;

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