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Storing of std::weak_ptr<void> and using static_pointer_cast

Will the reference count still work if storing std::weak_ptr with static_pointer_cast ?

Here is a very simplifed example (note that the SmallBox and BigBox classes are almost exactly the same):

#define OWNER_SMALLBOX    1
#define OWNER_BIGBOX      2

class Object
        std::weak_ptr<void> owner;
        int ownerType;


        void doSomethingIfOwnerStillExist()
            if(std::shared_ptr<void> ownerShared = owner.lock())
                    case OWNER_SMALLBOX:
                        std::shared_ptr<SmallBox> smallBox = std::static_pointer_cast<SmallBox>(ownerShared);

                    case OWNER_BIGBOX:
                        std::shared_ptr<BigBox> bigBox = std::static_pointer_cast<BigBox>(ownerShared);

        Object(std::shared_ptr<void> _owner, int _ownerType)
            owner = _owner;
            ownerType = _ownerType;

class SmallBox
        std::list< std::shared_ptr<Object> > objects;


        static void addObject(std::shared_ptr<SmallBox> _smallBox)
            std::shared_ptr<void> owner = std::static_pointer_cast<void>(_smallBox);
            objects.push_back(std::make_shared<Object>(owner, OWNER_SMALL_BOX));

class BigBox
        std::list< std::shared_ptr<Object> > objects;

        static void addObject(std::shared_ptr<BigBox> _bigBox)
            std::shared_ptr<void> owner = std::static_pointer_cast<void>(_bigBox);
            objects.push_back(std::make_shared<Object>(owner, OWNER_BIGBOX));

I know I can make the SmallBox and BigBox classes inherit from ie a GeneralBox class, and have the void type replaced with a GeneralBox type, but the weak_ptr can point to several other types aswell, making inheritance quite big and clumpsy.

I am curious if the shared_ptr still can keep track of the weak pointers converted to void.

If I understand your question correctly, then you are asking whether std::static_pointer_cast will return a std::shared_ptr sharing ownership with the argument that it is called on.

The answer to this is yes.

owner in addObject will share ownership with addObject 's function parameter and owner in object will refer to the same control block, as will ownerShared and smallBox , bigBox in doSomethingIfOwnerStillExist .

Note however that the shared_ptr 's that are stored in objects are completely unrelated, because they are initialized with calls to std::make_shared creating a new Object s that will be owned only by objects .

The std::static_pointer_cast would be pretty useless if it didn't return an instance sharing ownership with the argument, because it would inevitable lead to a double delete of the managed pointer, if it wasn't.

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