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React Native Firebase Push Notifications not firing production FCM/ Cloud Functions

I am trying to implement push notifications and have the same cloud functions deployed for dev and prod. For dev I am able to receive the notifications every time:


But for prod I get an error and it will never send:


Here is my notifications method:

// shows the users of the chat channel
const messageId = functions.database.ref(

    export const notificationCreatedEvent = messageId.onCreate((snapshot: any, event: any) => {
      // channelType is for if it is a public or private chat- if it is public it will list the mountain
      const { channelId } = event.params;

      const messageData = snapshot.val();
      const message = messageData.text;

      const trimmedMessage = truncate(message, 20, true);

      // notification channel
      const notificationRef = admin

      const notificationBody = (message.slice(0, 12) === "https://fire") ? "new image message" : trimmedMessage
      const payloadPrivateUser = {
        notification: {
          title: "Private Message",
          body: "Message: "+notificationBody
      const payload = {
        notification: {
          title: "Message in channel "+ channelId,
          body: "Message: " + notificationBody

        .then(async userListSnapshot => {
          const userList = await (<any>Object).values(userListSnapshot.val());
          const response = channelId.length > 50 ? await admin.messaging().sendToDevice(userList, payloadPrivateUser): await admin.messaging().sendToDevice(userList, payload);
        }).catch(err=> {

No idea why it would fire in one vs the other since both have the same promise error anyway?

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