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How to inject a mocked object inside mock of another mocked object in Java?

I have below classes. DataServices object is used in both ProductImpl and Mapper. But its mock is available in ProductImpl but not in Mapper class. I do not what needs to be done so that mocked of DataServices is Available in Mapper class too.

class ProductImpl{
    @Inject private DataServices ds;
    @Inject private Mapper mapper;

    public void call(){
      ds.get(); //ds is not null here
     // some code

abstact class Mapper{

        @Inject private DataServices ds;

        public void map(){
            ds.get()// ds is null here
            //some code

I have test class below

class Test{

    @Mock private DataServices ds;
    @Mock private Mapper mapper;
    @InjectMocks private ProductImpl impl;

    public void setUp(){

    public void test(){

如果我理解正确,您不需要在 Mapper 中进行另一个模拟,因为您已经模拟了映射器类,并且 map 方法也是无效的,尽管如果一个方法返回了一些东西,您可以轻松地使用when提供您在测试中需要的行为。

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