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How can I pass the value from void function in one cpp file to an other void function in an other cpp file?

I am very new to programming but i have to do this for my project.

In Visual C++ 6.0, I am trying to send the calculated value from one function to the other in a different cpp file. however, when I try to compile I get the following error :

Creating library Debug/usradd.lib and object Debug/usradd.exp addrxn.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "float * Gamma" (?Gamma@@3PAMA) ..\\debug\\usradd.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals

How can I fix this problem? Thank you.

This is simple version of code that I tried. I like to pass Gamma matrix from addk.cpp to addrxn.cpp as shown below. Thank you.

//declare "Gamma" array
extern Gamma[23];

void addk(float *y, float *x, double t, double p, float *xkv)
float Gamma[1] = 2000*t;
float Gamma[23] = 2300*t;

for(int i=0;int<23;i++)
xkv[i] = 200*t/p*Gamma[i];


int addrxn0(const int nUopID, const int nRxnID, const int nComponents, 
    const double fTemperature,  const double fPressure, const double fRPM, 
    const double fBetaFac, const double fFreqFac, const double fExpActE, 
    const double *C, const double *Pi, const double *fStoich, 
    const double *fExponent, const double *fAdsFac, const double *fAdsE, 
    const double *fAdsExp, double *pRateForm)
    double rate=fExpActE*fFreqFac*Gamma[1]/Gamma[2];
    int iComp;
        if(fStoich[iComp] < 0)
        {   //This is a reactant.
            if(fExponent[iComp] == 0.0)
                rate*=pow(C[iComp], -fStoich[iComp]);   //Use stoich as exponent
                rate*=pow(C[iComp], fExponent[iComp]);  //Use exponent as given

    //Final rate of formation
    return 0;

The extern declaration requires a type:

extern float Gamma[23];

Your sample code:

float Gamma[1] = 2000*t;

makes no sense. Are you declaring a float array of ONE element here? You probably meant:

Gamma[1] = 2000 * t;

Anyway, your link error tells you that Gamma needs to be defined somewhere, probably in another file. Something like

float Gamma[23];

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