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AWS Transcribe Java SDK: Internal Failure. Please try your request again

I have integrated AWS Java SDK in my applcaition.Unfoutunately am getting "Internal Failure. Please try your request again" as the response.

This is how I have implemeneted it.

Using Maven, added this in pom.xml


And in code,

String localAudioPath = "/home/****.wav";
String key = config.awsSecretAccessKey;
String keyId = config.awsAccessKeyId;
String regionString = config.awsRegion; //"ap-south-1"
String outputBucketName = config.awsOutputBucket;
Region region = Region.of(regionString);

String inputLanguage = "en-US";
LanguageCode languageCode = LanguageCode.fromValue(inputLanguage);

AwsCredentials credentials = AwsBasicCredentials.create(keyId, key);
AwsCredentialsProvider transcribeCredentials=StaticCredentialsProvider.create(credentials);

AWSCredentialsProvider s3AwsCredentialsProvider = getS3AwsCredentialsProvider(key, keyId);

String jobName = subJob.getId()+"_"+subJob.getProgram_name().replace(" ", "");
String fileName = jobName + ".wav";

AmazonS3 s3 = 
s3.putObject(outputBucketName, fileName, new File(localAudioFilePath));

String fileUri = s3.getUrl(outputBucketName, fileName).toString();

Media media = Media.builder().mediaFileUri(fileUri).build();

String mediaFormat = MediaFormat.WAV.toString();
jobName = jobName +"_"+ System.currentTimeMillis();

Settings settings = Settings.builder()

StartTranscriptionJobRequest request = StartTranscriptionJobRequest.builder()

TranscribeAsyncClient client = TranscribeAsyncClient.builder()

CompletableFuture<StartTranscriptionJobResponse> response = 


GetTranscriptionJobRequest jobRequest = 

while( true ){
    CompletableFuture<GetTranscriptionJobResponse> transcriptionJobResponse = 

    GetTranscriptionJobResponse response1 = transcriptionJobResponse.get();
    if (response1 != null && response1.transcriptionJob() != null) {
          if (response1.transcriptionJob().transcriptionJobStatus() == 
                    TranscriptionJobStatus.FAILED) {

               //It comes here and gives response1.failureReason = "Internal Failure. Please try your request again".

private AWSCredentialsProvider getS3AwsCredentialsProvider(String key, String keyId) {
    return new AWSCredentialsProvider() {
                public AWSCredentials getCredentials() {
                    return new AWSCredentials() {
                        public String getAWSAccessKeyId() {
                            return keyId;

                        public String getAWSSecretKey() {
                            return key;

                public void refresh() {


The same thing is working with Python SDK. Same region, same wav file, same language, same settings, same output bucket etc. What am doing wrong??

Your flow looks correct. It may be an issue with the audio file you are uploading to AWS. I suggest you check it once.

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