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how to make directories using the root directory in android in api level 29?

i'm trying to make directory using these lines of code but it's deprecated method and the directory is't created and my targetSdkVersion is 29

 File file = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()+"/"+Constants.APP_NAME);

i try these lines but it's created the directory inside Android/data/com.example.application1/appName

File file = new File(mContext.getExternalFilesDir(null),Constants.APP_NAME);

but i need to make directory to save my files at the top level of internal storage device. which code can i use to save my directory in the top level of root directory ?

but i need to make directory to save my files at the top level of internal storage device

That is not supported directly on Android 10 (by default) or Android R+ (for all apps).

which code can i use to save my directory in the top level of root directory ?

Use ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT_TREE and let the user choose where the user wants to place the user's files on the user's device.

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