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Android - load photo from uri

I'm trying to upload the image to imageview via Uri it doesn't work.

java.io.FileNotFoundException: /file:/data/user/0/com.maksu.aquarium/cache/cropped6681458112782885202.jpg (No such file or directory)

I get the above error. When I check, I see the picture exists. 我的照片路径

This is how I upload the photo:

     Uri profileUri = Uri.fromFile(new File("file:///data/user/0/com.maksu.aquarium/cache/cropped6681458112782885202.jpg"));


First, never hardcode paths . For the purposes of this answer, I will stick with your hardcoded value, but you really need a better way of handling your files. For example, your hard-coded path will be wrong for lots of users.

Second, file:///data/user/0/com.maksu.aquarium/cache/cropped6681458112782885202.jpg is not a filesystem path. It is a Uri . Android is based on Linux, and its filesystem paths start with / . file:// is a Uri scheme, much like how https:// is a Uri scheme used in the URL for this Web page.

So, either use:

Uri profileUri = Uri.parse("file:///data/user/0/com.maksu.aquarium/cache/cropped6681458112782885202.jpg");

or use:

Uri profileUri = Uri.fromFile(new File("/data/user/0/com.maksu.aquarium/cache/cropped6681458112782885202.jpg"));

To get access to file in the cache folder, you can use Context.getCacheDir() method and not hardcode full path. So, try:

Uri profileUri = Uri.fromFile(new File(geCacheDir(), "cropped6681458112782885202.jpg"));


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