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Complete Rust plugin install for VS Code via command line

I'd like for my students to program Rust from within VS Code under Windows 10. I hope to provide the IT department with a set of scriptable commands to set this up on each machine.

I have installed Rustup. I also execute the following to install the "Rust (rls)" plugin:

code --install-extension rust-lang.rust

When I then open VS Code, I receive a popup message at the bottom right:

RLS not installed. Install?

If I select "Yes" everything goes well. What I would prefer, is for this step to have been completed earlier via the command line (as above with --install-extension ). Is this possible? Am I missing another extension? Can this be installed via the command line?

RLS is not a VSCode extension. You can install it via rustup (I'd say before installing VSCode extension): rustup component add rls rust-analysis rust-src

More on RLS here

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