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Give service account access to one bucket in google cloud storage

I have created a service account "my-service-account@blabla.com" with the role "Storage Admin". Now, I want to restrict this account to only access a specific bucket - "gs://my-project/my-bucket"

The problem now is that the sa user have access to all my buckets. I cant remove "my-service-account@blabla.com" from the buckets permissions (the buckets I don't want the user to have access to) because the permissions are inherited. What should I do? Cheers, Cris

You can restrict the access for a service account to a specific bucket using Cloud IAM .

This is the gsutil command you can use:

    gsutil iam ch serviceAccount:my-service-account@project.iam.gserviceaccount.com:objectAdmin gs://my-project/my-bucket

To remove a service account from all roles on a bucket:

    gsutil iam ch -d serviceAccount:my-service-account@project.iam.gserviceaccount.com gs://my-project/my-bucket

Or you can control access to buckets and objects using ACLs .

For example grant the service account WRITE (R: READ,W: WRITE,O: OWNER) access to the bucket:

   gsutil acl ch -u my-service-account@project.iam.gserviceaccount.com:W gs://my-project/my-bucket

To remove access of service account from the bucket:

   gsutil acl ch -d my-service-account@project.iam.gserviceaccount.com gs://my-project/my-bucket

I would suggest to remove the access of the service account from the buckets. Then grant access to a specific bucket.

I had the same problem.

  1. Delete all your service account that are not supposed to have access on ALL buckets of your project.

  2. Create a new service account "my_user" in "IAM -> Service Accounts". Do NOT give it any right during creation (this would allow access to ALL buckets of the project as you described in your question)

  3. Give the new service account rights in the bucket:

gsutil iam ch serviceAccount:my_user@my_project.iam.gserviceaccount.com:roles/storage.objectViewer gs://my_bucket

(I was not able to do this using the GCP UI)

Replace my_user, my_project and my_bucket. "storage.objectViewer" gives the user the right to read objects.

Warning: it takes some time until you do see this "right" in "bucket -> Permissions", you also see it in the output of "gsutil iam get gs://my-bucket"!? When and if you see it was not fully reproducable to me.

Due to my test the service account now has only access to this bucket and not to the other buckets in the project.

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