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GSAP 3+ Tweening values in an array

My use case for this tween is to animate the morphTargetInfluences of an object in THREE.js. The influences are represented as an array like [0, 1] .

For simplicity, a mesh is represented like so:

mesh = {
  morphTargetInfluences: [0, 1]

In GSAP 2.0, I could tween this value like so:

const target = [1, 0];
TweenMax.to(mesh.morphTargetInfluences, 0.5, { ...target });

However with the new API I get a gsData is undefined error. Is there a new way to tween array values?

tl.to(firstArray, duration, secondArray); In your case and mine too : tl.to(mesh.morphTargetInfluences, 0.2, targets);

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