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How to force main page run IE11 and iFrame run IE7

I have a main application , made with Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7 (MVC) that is forced (and must) to run with Compatibility Mode IE11 .

Inside that application, there is a specific page with a iFrame that run a .Net Framework 1.1 application that must run in Compatibility Mode IE7 .

The problem is that both (main and iframe) are running with compatibility mode IE11 and, because of that, frame application doesn't run properly.

At the moment, I've already tried to force iframe application to run in IE7 by adding to the IIS HTTP Headers the following pair key-value:

  • Custom header name: ' X-UA-Compatible '
  • Custom header valuebox: ' IE=EmulateIE7 '

However it didn't solve my problem and i am out of ideas now. Any suggestion?

Thank you in advance!

I think you should you meta tags to specify the compatibility mode (not sure if the http header do the same thing). According to this answer it should be posible:

Main web page in standard mode, iframe in compatibility mode: any issues?

Here is quite thorough documentation of what are the options:

What does <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> do?

Please check this similar thread , try to use the IE browser Quirks Mode .

In the iframe content page, omit Doctype and add

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7" />

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