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javascript calculator (how i make the first click does not accept operation)

how I make the first click does not accept operation and return "0"

Here is my function

    $('button').on('click', function(){
        var previosValue = $('.viewer').text();
        var val = $(this).text();
        if(val == "="){
            var op = eval($('.viewer').text());
        } else if(val == "AC"){
        } else {
            if($('.viewer').text() == "0"){
            } else {
                $('.viewer').text(previosValue + val);

there is the full code on codepen

First created operators array ops = [ "+", "-", "*", "/", "%" ] . Then compare input value, if input value is any of the operator from above array when first value is zero (0) then return 0.

  var ops = [ "+", "-", "*", "/", "%" ]; // operators array
  $('button').on('click', function(){
    var previosValue = $('.viewer').text();
    var val = $(this).text();
    if(val == "="){
      var op = eval($('.viewer').text());
    }else if(val == "AC"){
      if($('.viewer').text() == "0"){
        if($.inArray( val, ops ) != -1) { // check there first input with operators
        } else {
        $('.viewer').text(previosValue + val);

I'd suggest you don't swallow a key press when your user clicks on an operation symbol first. Instead, use the initial "0" as the first operand (ie if user clicks "+" when only "0" is displayed, you display "0+").

This has an advantage in that it works as most other calculators do. And in UI design consistency is key.

Something like this should work:

  $('button').on('click', function(){
    var previosValue = $('.viewer').text();
    var val = $(this).text();
    if(val == "="){
      var op = eval($('.viewer').text());
    } else if(val == "AC"){
    } else if ($('.viewer').text() != "0" || $.inArray(val, ["/", "*", "-" ,"+"]) > -1){
      $('.viewer').text(previosValue + val);          
    } else {

You also need to check what happens when user presses, for example, "5", "+", "*", "6". Currently it displays "5+*6". You probably want later operand overriding the previous one... But that is an entirely different question ;-)

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