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How to get float value from uint32_t?

i use this part of code to read float value from OSC message on my microcontroller. However i get "dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules [-Wstrict-aliasing]" error and no value is showed on printf. Is there any workaround for this one? marker is in struct as:

char *marker;  // the current read head
float tosc_getNextFloat(tosc_message *o) {
  // convert from big-endian (network btye order)
  const uint32_t i = ntohl(*((uint32_t *) o->marker));
  o->marker += 4;
  return *((float *) (&i));  <---- this line of code does the error


So, i recieve data from microcontrollers internet chip over udp using function:

datasize_t recvfrom(uint8_t sn, uint8_t * buf, datasize_t len, uint8_t * addr, uint16_t *port, uint8_t *addrlen) //<- general 

then i run another function to parse osc message:

tosc_parseMessage(&A, (char*) buf, received_size); //<- how i wrote parameters

where A is structure:

 typedef struct tosc_message {
    char *format;  // a pointer to the format field
    char *marker;  // the current read head
    char *buffer;  // the original message data (also points to the address)
    uint32_t len;  // length of the buffer data
} tosc_message;

and tosc_parseMessage is:

int tosc_parseMessage(tosc_message *o, char *buffer, const int len) {
  // NOTE(mhroth): if there's a comma in the address, that's weird
  int i = 0;
  while (buffer[i] != '\0') ++i; // find the null-terimated address
  while (buffer[i] != ',') ++i; // find the comma which starts the format string
  if (i >= len) return -1; // error while looking for format string
  // format string is null terminated
  o->format = buffer + i + 1; // format starts after comma

  while (i < len && buffer[i] != '\0') ++i;
  if (i == len) return -2; // format string not null terminated

  i = (i + 4) & ~0x3; // advance to the next multiple of 4 after trailing '\0'
  o->marker = buffer + i;

  o->buffer = buffer;
  o->len = len;

  return 0;

and then i print that out with :

void tosc_printMessage(tosc_message *osc) {
  printf("[%i bytes] %s %s",
      osc->len, // the number of bytes in the OSC message
      tosc_getAddress(osc), // the OSC address string, e.g. "/button1"
      tosc_getFormat(osc)); // the OSC format string, e.g. "f"

  for (int i = 0; osc->format[i] != '\0'; i++) {
    switch (osc->format[i]) {
      case 'f': printf(" %g", tosc_getNextFloat(osc)); break;
      case 'd': printf(" %g", tosc_getNextDouble(osc)); break;
      case 'i': printf(" %d", tosc_getNextInt32(osc)); break;
      default: printf(" Unknown format: '%c'", osc->format[i]); break;

where my problem is in function:

float tosc_getNextFloat(tosc_message *o) {
  // convert from big-endian (network btye order)
  const uint32_t i = ntohl(*((uint32_t *) o->marker));
  o->marker += 4;
  return *((float *) (&i));  <---- this line of code does the error

I hope this gives you better view on problem... Im not skilled programmer so i appreciate any help. Full code for this "library" could be found here https://github.com/mhroth/tinyosc , Im just trying to implement that in my microcontroller

float tosc_getNextFloat(tosc_message *o) {
  // convert from big-endian (network btye order)
  const uint32_t i = ntohl(*((uint32_t *) o->marker));
  o->marker += 4;

  float tmp = 0;
  memcpy((void *)&tmp, (void *)&i, sizeof(uint32_t));
  return tmp;

If type punning is required, it is better to use a compiler that is configured to support it (which on some non-commercially-designed compilers, but not commercially-designed ones, means using -fno-strict-aliasing ) than to jump through hoops to accommodate compiler writers that refuse to recognize type punning via pointers that are visibly freshly derived.

C implementations are sometimes used for purposes where type punning is useful, and sometimes for purposes where it isn't. The authors of the Standard recognized that compiler writers should know more about their individual customers' needs than the Committee possibly could, and thus allowed implementations to support whatever combinations of constructs would best fit their customers' needs. Somehow a myth has emerged that Standard characterizes as "broken" programs which relies upon implementations to process them "In a documented fashion characteristic of the environment", but any such reading directly contradicts the stated intentions of the Standard's authors.

After all it wasnt code problem. Yes, i still get that warning ( BUT CODE WORKS ). Actual problem was in IDE. In linker setting inside builder settings this was needed to be added : -u _printf_float . That took like month of my life figuring out what's happening. Thank you all for answering

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