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shopping cart array not rendering properly, react.js

after a fetch if I click to some card I am able to populate an empty array. I would like to pass it as a prop to a child component and I guess I am doing the right way, the problem occurs when within the children I am trying to console log it because I can not see any errors and the console.log is not printing anything

let shoppingCart = [];

const fetchProducts = async () => {
const data = await fetch(
const products = await data.json();

const handleShoppingCart = product => {
  return shoppingCart;

Inside the return function I tried to check if the array was not empty, if was not undefined or if was not null but with the same result

{shoppingCart.length !== 0 ? (
    <ShoppingCart parkingSlots={shoppingCart} />
  ) : null}

children component

const ShoppingCart = ({ parkingSlots }) => {
  const parkingSlotsComponent = parkingSlots.map((parkingSlot, i) => {
  // const { name } = parkingSlot;
  return (
    <div className="parking_details" key={i}>
return <div className="checkout">{parkingSlotsComponent}</div>;

The data is in props .

When data is passed to child component via props , then it is part of props child component. Try below and see if you can console log the data.

const ShoppingCart = props => {
  const parkingSlotsComponent = props.parkingSlots.map((parkingSlot, i) => {
  // const { name } = parkingSlot;
  return (
    <div className="parking_details" key={i}>
return <div className="checkout">{parkingSlotsComponent}</div>;

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