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adding layers to my Leaflet map using a loop

So here is one of my layers:

               TurksAndCaicosLayer = L.geoJson(TurksAndCaicos, { 
                    style: {
                        weight:         0.5,
                        color:          'white',
                        fillOpacity:    1,
                        fillColor:      'brown',

I have 8 of these polygon layers for my Leaflet map. I am trying to construct a loop which will go through the array of my layers and add them to the map, but it doesn't seem to be working. Can anyone spot why?

            let layers = [AnguillaLayer, BermudaLayer, BritishVirginIslandsLayer, GibraltarLayer, GuernseyLayer, IsleOfManLayer, JerseyLayer, TurksAndCaicosLayer]

                for (let layer of layers) {




function addLayer(item, index) {

An alternative approach would be to add your layers to a layerGroup and add the layerGroup to the map - saves writing an explicit loop.

let layers = [AnguillaLayer, BermudaLayer, BritishVirginIslandsLayer, GibraltarLayer, GuernseyLayer, IsleOfManLayer, JerseyLayer, TurksAndCaicosLayer];

let myLayerGroup = L.layerGroup(layers).addTo(map);

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