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Batch file to copy files to many machines

I need to have a batch file that copies files (8) in my local directory to either a list of machines on the network (hostname or IP) or have me prompt to enter the next hostname/ip

I'd prefer not to have to run the script over and over again to enter the next hostname/ip

I'll also need to see the output for each system to make sure it connected correctly and copied successfully. Perhaps a "ready to process next?" after each machine?

I don't know how to have a batch file does the equivalent of STDIN , so please forgive the ?STDIN? placeholder

So far, all I have is

net use S: \\?STDIN?\C$ /user:domain\myusername mypassword  

copy %~file01.txt S:\%SystemRoot%\system32 /y
copy %~file02.txt S:\%SystemRoot%\system32 /y
copy %~file03.txt S:\%SystemRoot%\system32 /y
copy %~file04.txt S:\%SystemRoot%\system32 /y
copy %~file05.txt S:\%SystemRoot%\system32 /y
copy %~file06.txt S:\%SystemRoot%\system32 /y
copy %~file07.txt S:\%SystemRoot%\system32 /y
copy %~file08.txt S:\%SystemRoot%\system32 /y

net use :s /delete

do it again

You can prompt the user for input (and store it into an environment variable) with the set /p command:

set /p HOST=Machine?
net use S: \\%HOST%\C$ ...

You can loop by using a label and jump to it. You should offer a way to exit, though:

set /p HOST=Machine? (leave blank to exit)
if [%HOST%]==[] goto :EOF
net use S: \\%HOST%\C$ ...
copy ...
goto loop

If you don't want to enter each host name individually you can also loop over the arguments to the batch file:

if [%1]==[] goto :EOF
net use S: \\%1\C$ ...
copy ...
goto loop

You can can call it as follows, then:

my_batch machine1 machine2 ...


you can use the "if ERRORLEVEL 1" to see if an error occurred in the copy which will allow you to trap for problems with the copy. Along with a "if EXIST" to check that the file is there, though, you may get some files that are zero length.

Though, you may want to investigate Powershell as a more capable tool for the job.

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