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Parameterized tests SCIO (JobTest) and Scala test (forAll)

I want to do parameterized tests with SCIO JobTest and Scala Test. I use TableDrivenPropertyChecks that allows, via aa forAll to do parameterized tests.

import org.scalatest.prop.TableDrivenPropertyChecks.{forAll => forAllParams, _}

 val jobArgs = Array(

val ioParams =
      ("description", "inputRawPlusData", "expectedDigitalAvatars", "expectedDataRecords"),

forAllParams(ioParams) { (description: String,
                            inputData: Seq[String],
                            expectedOutput1: Seq[...],
                            expectedOutput2: Seq[...]) =>

    it should s"have $description..." in {
        .args(jobArgs: _ *)
        .input(PubsubIO[String]("in"), inputData)
        .input(AvroIO[GenericRecord]("test"), test)
        .output(BigQueryIO[Obj1]("out-table-1"))(result => shouldMatchExpectedOutput1(result, expectedOutput1))
        .output(BigQueryIO[Obj2]("out-table-2"))(result => shouldMatchExpectedOutput2(result, expectedOutput2))

For the first group of parameters, the test work fine, but for the second, the Job args become empty. I don't understand why (maybe a state..).

When i execute all the group params separately (alone and without others), it works.

Why there is this behaviour ?

Is it possible to do parameterized tests with SCIO JobTest ?

Thanks in advance for your helps.

My bet is that .args method somehow resets the array. Would redefining jobArgs as a def instead of val help? Another guess is JobTest needs to be initialized differently. Like new JobTest or something

I finally reproduce the problem, in a small job.

I used contextAndArgs and PipelineOptionFactory at the same time :

  val (sc, args) = ContextAndArgs(cmdlineArgs)

  val options = PipelineOptionsFactory
      .fromArgs(cmdlineArgs: _*)


I removed the options part and this works. Thanks again :)

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