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How to convert JavaRDD<List<String>> to JavaRDD<String> and write to a file without "[" and "]"

I have a JavaRDD<List<String>> and my file is getting written with [] at the beginning and end of each list of strings when I use

javacontext.parallelize(rdd).coalesce(1, true).saveAsTextFile("dirname");

Can we convert JavaRDD<List<String>> to JavaRDD<String> and write it to a file?

You could use map to apply String.join for each List<String> in JavaRDD :

String separator = ",";
JavaRDD<String> ys = rdd
        .map(new Function<List<String>, String>() {
            public String call(List<String> xs) throws Exception {
                return String.join(separator, xs);

Or using lambdas:

JavaRDD<String> ys = rdd
        .map((Function<List<String>, String>) xs -> String.join(separator, xs));

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