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How to add view to cardview inside livedata observer

I am trying to add some radio button into a card view. Here's my code:


cardView = findViewById(R.id.card_view);

private void loadRound(List<Smiley> smileys) {
    if (smileys == null) {
    mAnswersView.loadAnswers(smileys, cardView);


public void loadAnswers(List<Smiley> smileys, CardView cardView) {
    if (smileys == null) {
    LayoutInflater inflater = LayoutInflater.from(getContext());

    for (Smiley smiley : smileys) {
        RadioButton button = (RadioButton) inflater.inflate(R.layout.answer_item, this, false);
        button.setTag(R.string.answer_tag, smiley.getCode());

But that doesn't seem to work. Any idea please?

EDIT: The problem here is that the radio button i try to create doesn't show. I've already do some debugging and all of the methods are called until the addView method. But when i take a look on the device, there's no 'extended' view, in this case, radio button at all.

So, i fixed the problem by using LinearLayout inside the CardView. Then I parse the LinearLayout to the loadAnswer() function, and here's the rest:

RadioButton button = (RadioButton) inflater.inflate(R.layout.answer_item, linearLayout, false);
button.setTag(R.string.answer_tag, smiley.getCode());

From this case, I learnt that we can't directly addView to the CardView. You can do it by creating a LinearLayout inside the CardView to add custom widget programmatically inside the CardView.

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