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Grafana for user authenticated data visualization

I've used Grafana many times before to show dashboard data to a Sysadmin. I like Grafana because it is very easy to use and shows nice looking graphs by default.

However, now I want to create a user facing screen which shows a specific user's data based on a user login. This means that the query result should be authenticated, and shown only to that specific user. For example: The balance in a bank account over time.

Unlike a system dashboard which has access to everything, a specific user can only see their specific stats.

Is there any way I can use a shared Grafana instance to display this kind of personal data?

Is there another tool that can do this?

Or do I need to go with a low level approach like: Google Charts coupled with my own backend service to handle the queries?

Generally: it depends on used datasource and implementation. Some Grafana datasources support Forward OAuth Identity feature:

Forward the user's upstream OAuth identity to the datasource (Their access token gets passed along).


So datasource may use this forwarded user identity to build proper customized response. It is OAuth access token, so identity can be verified and faked identity can be denied.

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