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Navigating pages not working unless on button click

I am developing a GUI application with WPF framework.

I have a Window, called MainWindow and a few pages. I have a menu with buttons, linked to different pages. With this kind of navigation I manage to navigate to different pages and come back home to MainWindow nicely. Example below.

How I am navigating with buttons - WORKING:

From Window (called MainWindow), to Page (called Settings)

private void btnSettings(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        Settings pg = new Settings();
        this.Content = pg;

Going back from Page (called Settings), to Window (called MainWindow)

private void btnDomov(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        var MainWindow = new MainWindow();
        Window parentWindow = Window.GetWindow(this);

The problem happens when I go to the page from MainWindow, but not with a button click, but as a result of some executed code (in my case when I read an RFID card, I go to "SkenirajKartico" page.). Actually I am able to come to the wanted page, but I am unable to go back to the MainWindow. When I click go to MainWindow (home) it refreshes the same page "SkenirajKartico". The code is shown below. Any Ideas how to solve this issue?

Example: After some code is executed, I am calling a method "pokliciDialog" with intention to go to wanted page ("SkenirajKartico")

How I am navigating after some code is executed - NOT WORKING

private void pokliciDialog()
        if (startup == false)
            SkenirajKartico pg = new SkenirajKartico();
            this.Content = pg;

As I said, page is refreshed to wanted page ("SkenirajKartico"). And when some code is executed on this page, I do the same step as above - Calling method "goToMain" to go back Home, but It refreshes current page "SkenirajKartico" and does not go to wanted MainWindow.

void goToMain()
    var MainWindow = new MainWindow();
    Window parentWindow = Window.GetWindow(this);

I see I am missing arguments, but if I add object sender and RoutedEventArgs e to the method, I don't know how to call them. Would be really happy if anyone can help me.

My bad, stupid mistake. I was calling method to show the page "SkenirajKartico" each time when MainWindow was loaded. That's why page "SkenirajKartico" was constantly refreshing. Wooops.

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