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How to unit test a Handler<RoutingContext> in Vert.x?

I have :

Router.router(vertx).route().handler(new Handler<RoutingContext>() {
    public void handle(RoutingContext event) {
        HttpServerRequest request = event.request();
        Buffer body = event.getBody();
        HttpServerResponse response = event.response();
        // Some code to test

How to unit test this by giving prepared request and body, and by inspecting the response ?

Usually testing such end points is more an integration-test rather than a unit test. No need to mock everything. mocking is meant for testing some external services which is not available at your test context. here is a sample to do an integration test with vert.x :

class IntegrationTest {
private static RequestSpecification requestSpecification;

  static void prepareSpec() {
    requestSpecification = new RequestSpecBuilder()
      .addFilters(asList(new ResponseLoggingFilter(), new RequestLoggingFilter()))
      .setBaseUri("http://localhost:3002/")// Depends on your verticle config.

  void setup(Vertx vertx, VertxTestContext testContext) {

        .deployVerticle(new MyVerticle(), 
                ar -> {
                    if(ar.succeeded()) {
                    } else {

  @DisplayName("Test message")
  void test() {
    JsonObject body = new JsonObject();//Fill it as you want

      .post("/yourreqest")//Your resource path
      .statusCode(200);//expected status

The unit to be tested here is your implementation of Handler .

So change the anonymous class to (at least) a (non private ) static inner class .

class MyHandler implements Handler<RoutingContext> {
    public void handle(RoutingContext event) {
        HttpServerRequest request = event.request();
        Buffer body = event.getBody();
        HttpServerResponse response = event.response();
        // Some code to test

Router.router(vertx).route().handler(new MyHandler());

Then you can create an instance of your Handlre for testing an pass in a mock as context returning mocks for request and response .

class MyHandlerTest {
   RoutingContext event;

   HttpServerRequest request;

   HttpServerResponse response;

   public void setup(){

  public void shouldSetStatusTo200whenNoError(){
    // arrange
    // act
    new MyHandler().handle(event);
    // assert

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