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How can I update redux state in Reducer in ReactJS?

Please know that I am new to ReactJS with Redux.

I have list of passengers, and each passenger has list of flights. I would like to update the flight property, checkedIn with the action property isCheckedIn . How can I achieve that with in reducer?


export default function passengerReducer(
  state = initialState.passengers,
) {
  switch (action.type) {
      return action.passengers;
      console.log("action ", action.passengerData.passengerId);
      console.log("state ", state);
      return state
        .filter(x => x.id == action.passengerData.passengerId)
        .map(f => {
          f.flights[0].checkedIn = action.passengerData.isCheckedIn

      return state;

The state contains array of objects. Each object also contains flights . At the moment, I am only focusing the first flight with in flights array.


The action contains isCheckedIn property. I would like to update checkedIn property of the flights with isCheckedIn property from action.


So this is the piece of code in question I presume:

  console.log("action ", action.passengerData.passengerId);
  console.log("state ", state);
  return state
    .filter(x => x.id == action.passengerData.passengerId)
    .map(f => {
      f.flights[0].checkedIn = action.passengerData.isCheckedIn

You're (a) filtering the array only for the element you want to change, and (b) mapping that but not returning anything from your map function

Just (a) alone is bad -- you're going to change your entire state to only include the filtered items? I don't think that's what you intended. But then (b) means you're returning an array full of undefined

What you want to do, instead, is create a new array, var newArray = state.slice(0);

Then, find the index of the item you want to change the checked_in property of,

var index = newArray.findIndex(x => x.id == action.passengerData.passengerId);
var newPassenger = Object.assign({}, newArray[index]);
newPassenger.flights[0].checkedIn = action.passengerData.isCheckedIn;
newArray[index] = newPassenger;
return newArray;

So you've found the item you wanted to change, changed it, put it back in the array (this is the immutable way to do things, I think), and then returned the FULL array

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